Page 18 - Time to DeLiver: Getting a Grip on HE report 2015
P. 18


      Delays in identifying patients with Hepatic
      Encephalopathy: Impact on patient outcomes

      •	 Hepatic encephalopathy is characterised          The correct diagnosis of

          by relatively non-specific signs and            Hepatic Encephalopathy
          symptoms such as personality changes,
          sleep disorders, confusion, depression,         is essential
          slurred speech, lethargy, trembling hands,
          poor co-ordination and bad breath. These        Hepatic encephalopathy is associated with a
          symptoms are often subtle and easily            poor prognosis, and significant morbidity and
          missed, meaning that the condition is           mortality (between 50% and 64% of patients
          generally under-diagnosed. There are also       die within one year of diagnosis), which may be
          other causes of similar symptoms that may       improved with more effective treatment.20,25,26
          present in patients with advanced chronic       In addition, a prior episode of hepatic
          liver disease.1,11,14                           encephalopathy is associated with an increased
                                                          risk of subsequent episodes.2,26 In one study,
      •	 In addition to feelings of isolation and stigma  around half of patients with at least one prior
                                                          hepatic encephalopathy episode suffered
          that can result in patients not seeking health  recurrence within one year, despite being
          or social support services, patients may also   treated with lactulose.27 In another study, 46%
          experience barriers to receiving a diagnosis.   of those patients with at least two prior episodes
                                                          (most of whom were taking lactulose) suffered
      •	 Healthcare providers who are not specialists     recurrence within six months.28 Given these
                                                          data it is perhaps not surprising that patients
          in liver disease may only infrequently          are frequently readmitted for repeat hepatic
          encounter patients with advanced chronic        encephalopathy episodes.21,27,28
          liver disease or hepatic encephalopathy, and
          may not identify hepatic encephalopathy as      Adequate diagnosis and treatment of hepatic
          a possible cause of symptoms.                   encephalopathy can improve outcomes by
                                                          maintaining remission and reducing the risk
      •	 A number of techniques and tests are used        of hospitalisation.28

          to diagnose hepatic encephalopathy, many
          of which require expertise in administration
          or interpretation.1,14,15 However, there is a
          lack of an agreed standard diagnostic test
          or procedure.14

        is associated with
        significant morbidity
        and mortality20,25,26

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