Page 21 - Time to DeLiver: Getting a Grip on HE report 2015
P. 21


Ensuring access to therapies for Hepatic

•	 Substantial direct costs are attributable     Treatments for hepatic encephalopathy are
                                                 available which improve patient outcomes
    to hospitalisations for hepatic              (Figure 2).1,27,28 The most important aspect
    encephalopathy, in addition to               of hepatic encephalopathy management
    indirect costs.1                             is prompt recognition and treatment of
                                                 precipitating factors; many patients can be
•	 Long hospital stays for these patients        successfully managed with correction of the
                                                 precipitating factor.1,15 Unfortunately, not all
    increase resource utilisation.1              treatments are available and/or reimbursed in
                                                 all European countries.
•	 European prevalence data for
                                                 After initial delays in diagnosis, Tanya
    hospitalisations due to hepatic              and Jane responded well to treatment
    encephalopathy are currently unknown,        and have noticed real changes in their
    however they are likely to be consistent     day-to-day lives. After receiving her liver
    with USA figures where approximately         transplant, Sheila is almost back to her
    110,000 hospitalisations each year are       original self.
    due to hepatic encephalopathy.1

•	 Real-world data from 295 patients treated

    in the UK reported that the introduction of
    appropriate treatment was associated with
    a significant decrease in one-year hospital
    admissions, duration of stay and costs.13

Treatment options
for hepatic
are available
which reduce the
risk of recurrence
and subsequent

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