Page 22 - Time to DeLiver: Getting a Grip on HE report 2015
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Figure 2: Recommended treatment pathway for symptomatic hepatic encephalopathy (EASL/AASLD, 2014)
BCCAs, branched-chain amino acids; hepatic encephalopathy; ICU, intensive care unit; IV LOLA, intravenous
L-ornithine L-aspartate

                       Patient with possible symptomatic HE                  Not HE:
                                        HE confirmed                    Alternative cause
                                                                    of encephalopathy or
                                                                    impairment identified

Precipitating factors     MANAGEMENT OF HE                              Recurrent HE
                                                                        & liver failure
     Precipitating     Admit to ICU for higher grades of HE
     factors found     (i.e. patients at risk or unable to protect  Consider patient for
                       their airway)                                   liver transplant
 Direct treatment of
precipitating factor   Initial therapy with:
                       • Lactulose (oral/enema)
                       Additional/alternative therapies:
                       • LBCAAs
                       • IV LOLA
                       Alternative therapies (short-term only):
                       • Neomycin
                       • Metronidazole
                       Prevention of HE recurrence/
                       maintenance of remission:
                       • Rifaximin

       	 Calls to action

           •	 Healthcare professionals should have the freedom to prescribe treatments to improve the
                quality of life of their patients with hepatic encephalopathy through a flexible approach to suit
                individual patients.

           •	 Reimbursement for approved therapies is a priority to allow individualised care and support,
                and to remove any financial barriers to accessing these treatments.

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