Page 15 - Time to DeLiver: Getting a Grip on HE report 2015
P. 15


The true burden of Hepatic Encephalopathy: A hidden
complication of Advanced Chronic Liver Disease

•	 Symptomatic hepatic encephalopathy             An important gap in our understanding of
                                                  hepatic encephalopathy and a barrier to fully
    is a common complication of advanced          appreciating the impact it has on patients and
    chronic liver disease. Approximately 10%      healthcare systems, is the relative lack of
    of patients have hepatic encephalopathy       European data reporting on the epidemiology
    upon diagnosis with advanced chronic          of hepatic encephalopathy or resulting
    liver disease.19,20                           hospital admissions. As a result, hepatic
                                                  encephalopathy can be considered a hidden
•	 In addition, up to 40% of patients are         complication of advanced chronic liver disease.

    thought to develop hepatic encephalopathy     A UK-based hepatic encephalopathy patient
    during their disease course.2                 survey commissioned in 2014 by the British
                                                  Liver Trust and Liver4Life (supported by
•	 European data estimate that                    Norgine), found that half of the respondents
                                                  had been hospitalised, or seen their loved one
    approximately 0.1% of the European            hospitalised due to a hepatic encephalopathy
    population have advanced chronic liver        episode. A third of patients had been
    disease,5 therefore it can be suggested       hospitalised on more than one occasion, some
    that up to 200,000 patients will suffer with  more than six times in one year. On average,
    hepatic encephalopathy at some point.         70% of patients spent up to 10 days in hospital,
                                                  although some (12%) patients were in hospital
   One in three                                   for a month or more.21,22
   patients are
   with hepatic
   on more than
   one occasion,
   some even more
   than six times
   in one year21

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