Page 11 - Time to DeLiver: Getting a Grip on HE report 2015
P. 11

•	 In severe cases, patients can become           Liver failure and portosystemic shunting
                                                  (where circulating blood bypasses the liver)
    agitated, suffer hallucinations and lose      are required for the development of hepatic
    consciousness.3                               encephalopathy.14 This allows absorbed
                                                  products that would otherwise be detoxified
•	 National hospital in-patient data              to enter the systemic circulation. As a result,
                                                  excessive amounts of toxins including
    from Portugal confirms that hepatic           ammonia and bacterial products are able to
    encephalopathy is an important cause of       reach the brain causing significant alterations
    hospitalisation.12 Real-world data from 295   in neuronal function.14,15
    patients treated in the UK reported that the
    introduction of appropriate treatment was     Some, but not all, episodes of hepatic
    associated with a significant decrease in     encephalopathy can be triggered by a
    one-year hospital admissions, duration of     number of factors, including, most commonly,
    stay, and costs.13                            infection, gastrointestinal bleeding,
                                                  constipation and dehydration. Collectively
  Up to 40% of                                    these are known as precipitating factors.15
  advanced chronic
  liver disease                                                            40%
  patients (200,000
  European citizens)
  develop hepatic
  during their
  disease course2

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