Page 5 - Norgine Annual Report 2017
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In 2017, Norgine continued its long track record of growth reaching Norgine opened its new headquarters in the heart of Amsterdam’s business district, at Cross Towers, Antonio
€345 million net product sales, up 17 per cent. The revenue Vivaldistraat 150, 1083 HP Amsterdam, Netherlands – a key base to expand its European business, ensure attraction
increase was due to both the acquisition of Merus Labs International and retention of talent from across Europe.
Inc. (“Merus”) and organic growth from Norgine’s key products.
Norgine has a direct presence in 12 European countries, as well as Australia and New Zealand. Norgine employs
Products over 1,000 people, with around 380 in manufacturing and supply, 470 in commercial activities, and 160 in development,
medical and regulatory, with the remainder employed in global shared services, general and administrative functions.
Norgine received the European approval for PLENVU and launched
it in the UK. PLENVU is the only 1-litre PEG bowel preparation for Norgine does not over-rely on any single country and operates an adaptable infrastructure that allows commercialisation
cleansing of the colon prior to any procedure requiring a clean bowel. of new products.
Norgine is a fully integrated pharmaceutical business, with manufacturing sites in Hengoed, Wales and Dreux, France,
Growth strategy third party supply networks and significant product development capabilities, in addition to its sales and marketing
Norgine accelerated its growth strategy with the acquisition of Merus infrastructure.
Labs International Inc. for C$342m. As a result of the transaction Over
Norgine acquired a product portfolio of 12 established products, OVER
SALAGEN and ESTRADERM which are sold across Europe and
other selected markets. Norgine leveraged its significant operating
infrastructure across Europe to more effectively support these products
while ensuring that the highest standards of quality are maintained. STAFF
Patients Million
Norgine’s products were used by over 15 million patients.
Over the years, Norgine has established relationships with key
opinion leaders, professional organisations and health services to
help navigate complex systems and ensure that patients gain access
to its products. Norgine works together with healthcare professionals,
organisations and patient groups towards achieving common goals.
Our objective is to shape policies for the benefit of the patients or to 17
improve the understanding of complex diseases and treatments.
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