Page 2 - Norgine Annual Report 2017
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Norgine has established three priorities that sit alongside
the overall vision:
Achieve sustainable
double-digit growth
Norgine strives to achieve double digit growth by maximising
the growth of its products: DANTRIUM , ENDOCUFF VISION ,
Maintain strong late
stage pipeline
Norgine’s priority is to acquire and develop new late stage products
(phase III onwards) that will change medical care and add value to
patients and healthcare systems.
Norgine’s vision is to be the ‘go
to’ European specialist pharma Be a dynamic place to work
company; the organisation Norgine is fostering a dynamic environment which means employees
that other companies come are encouraged to challenge the status quo and make brave decisions.
to in order to develop and The core value principles of One Norgine, Innovation
commercialise their products. and Trustworthiness underpin all of Norgine’s activities,
and are fundamental to realising the group’s vision.
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